Personal Injury

If you have received a personal injury as a result of an accident or medical malpractice that was not your fault, you may have a claim for compensation.

Our personal injury lawyers and legal executives are dedicated to providing a service that is professional, efficient and friendly at all times.

We believe our clients deserve access to the support they need and the justice they deserve and we have recovered millions of pounds worth of compensation for the victims of accidents over the years.

We pursue claims on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis and will even see you for a free half-hour consultation to discuss your claim. You can talk to someone face-to-face at our office or we can offer remote video or telephone appointments. We are more than happy to visit you out of working hours and, if you do have a case and wish to proceed with a claim, it will be dealt with by one of our team from start to finish.

If you have received a personal injury as a result of an accident or medical malpractice that was not your fault, you may have a claim for compensation.

Our personal injury lawyers and legal executives are dedicated to providing a service that is professional, efficient and friendly at all times. We believe our clients deserve access to the support they need and the justice they deserve and we have recovered millions of pounds worth of compensation for the victims of accidents over the years.

We pursue claims on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis and will even see you for a free half-hour consultation to discuss your claim. You can talk to someone face-to-face at our office or we can offer remote video or telephone appointments. We are more than happy to visit you out of working hours and, if you do have a case and wish to proceed with a claim, it will be dealt with by one of our team from start to finish.

Find out more about:

  • Accidents at work
  • Criminal Injury Compensation
  • Industrial disease
  • Medical negligence
  • Road accidents
  • Tripping and slipping
  • Animal Liability

Call 01472 240251

To talk to our Accident and Injury specialists

Thousands of people every year are injured as a result of violent crime. Although this is an unfortunate fact of life, we believe that victims should receive the compensation they deserve.

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) was established to provide state compensation to victims of violent crime. The CICA can award anything from £1,000 up to £500,000 and the most recent statement from the CICA estimates that every year over £200,000,000 is paid out to victims.

To make a claim through CICA:

  • The attack must have happened in either England, Wales or Scotland
  • It is important that the police are notified as soon as possible and that you have co-operated fully with the police investigation.
  • Your claim must be within 2 years of the attack (you may still be able to claim if there have been special circumstances for the delay).

One common misconception is that you can only make a claim if the attacker has been convicted. This is not the case and you may still be eligible even if the offender is not identified, caught or convicted. So if you have suffered an injury as a result of a violent crime, contact us now to see if you are able to claim from the CICA.

Any claim will be pursued on a “no win no fee” basis. If we do not recover compensation for you there will be no charges by us for the work undertaken for you.

Call 01472 240251

To talk to our Criminal Injury specialists

Although some industrial diseases such as respiratory disease are relatively well known, there are many more work-related illnesses that are just as debilitating and life-changing.

Many people suffer the adverse consequences of industrial disease and are not aware that they may be entitled to compensation. If you have suffered from a disease that has been caused by conditions of your employment, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

Industrial disease can result from years of exposure to a substance or unsafe working practices. Employers must ensure that all employees are safe at work and protected from work-related accidents or illnesses and if they fail in this duty and their employees suffer, we believe those employees have a right to compensation.

At BG Solicitors LLP we have the experience and expertise to thoroughly investigate your claim and will help ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve (including loss of earnings). Our personal injury lawyers and legal executives will personally handle your case with the highest levels of professionalism and sensitivity.

Examples of claims we have successfully dealt with include:

  • Vibration injuries such as white finger
  • Respiratory injuries
  • Stress at work

If you think you have an illness caused by your work or working conditions, please contact us for an initial free half hour discussion where we can find out more about your situation.

Your claim will be pursued on a “no win no fee” basis.

Call 01472 240251

To talk to our Industrial Disease specialists

We place an enormous amount of trust in medical professionals and advisors and yet every year millions of patients suffer because of sub-standard treatment, mistakes or injuries caused by medical devices.

We understand that for those who have suffered, and their families, the feeling is often one of helplessness against the medical establishment as they believe their concerns have not been taken seriously.

At BG Solicitors LLP we make this process simple – investigating your case as thoroughly as possible, whilst providing support and understanding to the victims and families of those affected by medical negligence.

We have access to a panel of medical experts who can advise upon the standard of care received during your treatment and assist in responding to any arguments raised by the treatment practitioner at fault.

We have successfully dealt with many medical negligence cases and can help you recover the compensation for your physical and psychological injuries as well as any present and future financial losses.

If you have suffered an injury as a result of medical treatment, contact us now. Your claim will be pursued on a “no win no fee” basis.

Call 01472 240251

To talk to our Medical Negligence specialists

Road accident claims are the most common cause of personal injury. If you were unfortunate enough to suffer a road traffic accident, which was not your fault, you might be able to make a claim for compensation.

Have you been involved in a traffic incident where:

  • You were the driver in an accident that wasn’t your fault
  • You were a passenger involved in an accident, even if the driver in your vehicle was at fault
  • You were a motorcyclist, pedestrian or pedal cyclist involved in an accident where a vehicle collides with you
  • You were involved in an accident whilst using, or caused by, public transport
  • There are untraced drivers

We aim to make the process as simple as possible and we can help you recover the compensation you deserve for your injuries as well as the out-of-pocket expenses you have incurred, such as your policy excess and hire charges.

Examples of claims we have successfully dealt with include:

  • Brain injuries
  • Children’s claims
  • Claims made by passengers
  • Claims involving public transport Motorcycle / pedal cycle accidents
  • Uninsured victims and drivers
  • Injuries to pedestrians
  • Injuries caused by defective vehicles

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident, contact us now and we will provide a free initial assessment to establish if you have a claim. Your claim will be pursued on a “no win no fee” basis.

Call 0147 240251

To talk to our Road Accident specialists

Slips and trips are one of the most common accidents and are usually caused by something simple such as a cracked or raised paving slab or wet floor.

Accidents involving slips and trips can be perceived as trivial and an example of the ‘compensation culture’, but we recognise that they can involve serious injury and have a significant impact on the lives of victims.

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer a slipping or tripping accident, whether, in a public or private place, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

Have you:

  • Slipped over on something left carelessly on the floor in a public or workplace?
  • Slipped or tripped in a supermarket or store?
  • Injured yourself on a slippery or wet floor that was not signposted?
  • Tripped on a pavement that was uneven or broken?

Public and private organisations have a duty of care to ensure visitors are safe on their premises and Local Authorities are also under a duty to ensure that pavements and public highways are in a safe condition for public use.

Examples of tripping and slipping claims we have successfully dealt with include:

  • Injuries caused by slipping or tripping on defective pavement
  • Injuries caused by slipping on wet floors in supermarkets etc.
  • Injuries suffered in playgrounds and sports centres
  • Claims by council tenants for ill health caused by housing disrepair and defective premises
  • Injuries to road users caused by potholes

If you have been injured due to a slip or trip, contact us now and we will provide a free initial assessment to establish if you have a claim. Your claim will be pursued on a “no win no fee” basis.

Call 01472 240251

To talk to our Trip and Slip specialists


    We work on a no win no fee basis, please contact us for more information.

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