Family Mediation works by assisting separating or separated couples to work out solutions to the financial issues and issues around the children which can be part of separation or divorce.
Family mediation is a quicker, cheaper and less stressful process than going to court. It enables you to work together to find solutions rather than having them imposed upon you.
Legal aid is available for mediation if you are on a low income.
We’re passionate about how mediation can help. If you want to find out more, simply contact our family mediation team – Ruth Gilliatt (ruth.gilliatt@bgsolicitors.com), Leanne Barnes (leanne.barnes@bgsolicitors.com) – family mediators or Sarah Davies (sarah.davies@bgsolictors.com) – family mediation assistant.
Visit our Family Mediation website page by clicking here
Family Mediation is available in our Scunthorpe & Grimsby offices.
Quick Contact
- 01472 240 251
- 01507 600 610
- 01724 847 888
- 01652 632 215